Castro Marim Golfe and Country Club
Apartado 70, Portugal
Castro Marim Golfe offers the best of both worlds – thanks to its great location close to the Spanish border (around an hour from Seville Airport and 30 min from Faro) it is so easy to escape the hustle of the city and focus on the round of your favourite sport. A highlight of the course is the 4th hole – it is a 433 metres long dogleg hole with a lake at the end.
- 设计师Terry Murray
- 球场类型Parkland
- 洞18
- 标准杆72
- 高尔夫球车
- 球童服务
- 更衣室
- 切球果岭
- 练习场
- 球杆租赁
- 高尔夫课程
- 储物柜
- 练习沙坑
- 专业商店
- 手推车
- 推杆果岭
- 接待大厅
- 餐厅
+35 128 151 0330