Isla Canela Links
Av. Juan Pablo II, 1, Spain
Opened in 2007, Isla Canela Links offers spectacular views throughout. Combined with perfectly manicured fairways and some truly memorable holes. At Isla Canela Links, golfers are set to have an unforgettable round of golf on their golf break in Spain.
Isla Canela Links is typically characterised by its wide and open fairways due to its typical American style. Despite the spacious fairways, golfers must not be lured into a false sense of security; prevailing winds from the Guadiana River frequently interfere with golfers’ scorecards. Isla Canela Links is undeniably a challenging golf course, measuring to a lengthy 6,540 metres. Despite its length, at no point does Isla Canela Links become repetitive.
- 設計者N/D
- コースタイプLinks
- ホール18
- パー72
- カート
- キャディ
- ロッカールーム
- アプローチ練習場
- ドライビングレンジ
- クラブレンタル
- ゴルフレッスン
- ロッカー
- バンカー練習場
- プロショップ
- 手引きカート
- パッティンググリーン
- レセプションホール
- レストラン
+34 959 477 878